Lucinda's e-Magazine

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Location: Georgia, United States

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Military Families Need Your Help - 7 Ways to Make a Difference

by: Ginny Dye

Military spouses have many tough challenges.

They have to do the things their spouses usually do. Unstopping the bathtub drain, helping the kids with homework, changing the oil in the car - it's a never-ending list they now face on their own.

One of the ways you can help is by joining people all over the country on Together We Can Change the World Day. Set aside the first Saturday of every month to help a military family or do a kindness for our troops. Make a difference in their lives - and make a difference in your life, too!

Following are some kindness motivation tips from the E-book, 101 Ways to Support Our Troops. Knowing their families are being taken care of will ease our troops' minds and hearts.

1. Send the military family a care package

o Make sure there are items for the kids, remaining spouse, etc.

o Many times now it is the wife who has been called away for duty.

o Don't forget that husbands left behind have the same fears and struggles.

2. Give restaurant gift certificates to military families. Too many times that kind of enjoyment is just not in their budget. The best way to do it is through an online company called

o Just go to Put "Restaurant" in the store search box.

o You can buy certificates that give 50% off meals in thousands of restaurants across the country!

o An additional perk is that each purchase gives money back to an organization of your choice - allowing you to give in multiple ways!

3. Include the military family in your family outings - everyone, but especially the kids. Invite them to go:

o On a picnic

o Fishing

o To the amusement park, etc.

o It will be great fun for them and give the remaining spouse a break from being a single parent.

4. Help them out with some of their bills -anonymously if you can. Often, you can call companies and let them know you want to pay a bill for a military family. Some ideas:

o Internet bill

o Cable service, etc.

o Utilities

5. Buy a family season's ticket to a recreation facility. Talk to the owner of the facility. Explain you want to help a military family. Many times they will donate the passes and certificates. Some ideas:

o Swimming pool

o Bowling alley

o Skating rink

6. Invite the military family to dinner.

7. Let others know about your personal or community projects to support military families and our troops: TogetherWeCanChangetheWorldDay provides a service where you can list your project to get more volunteers or to search for projects in your area. Visit

Use these kindness motivation tips to help support our troops and their families. Better yet, grab your own copy of 101 Ways to Support Our Troops! Visit


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